Does Your Smile Really Reveal the REAL You?
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? You’re at a family wedding and the photographer aims the lens at you. Panic sets in. You’re posing for a new professional headshot and you smile with a closed mouth, hoping it looks natural. You’re conversing with a new acquaintance and you suddenly feel self‐conscious about your teeth. If any of these situations sound familiar, you’re not alone. Many people shy away from smiling openly because of chipped or missing teeth, prominent gums, misaligned teeth, or yellow stains. However, you don’t have to settle for less than perfect when it comes to your smile! Dr. Giesy and the entire team here at Giesy Dental – Tacoma Implant & Sedation Dentistry have solutions that are right for any smile!
“Smile Design: One Size Doesn’t Fit All” – Tacoma Dentist Dr. Giesy
A personalized Smile Design treatment plan can provide solutions for:
• Old metal fillings.
• Misalignment.
• Uneven spacing.
• Yellowing and discoloration.
• And much more!
A free Smile Analysis
Dr. Giesy, your Tacoma Dentist, will analyze your smile, the overall health of your teeth, your bite, and will discuss with you what you would like to see improved. Using the latest technology, we can show you a preview of what your smile could look like after specific procedures.
Regain Your Confidence Without Breaking the Bank
We offer multiple financing options and discounts to help you make your dream smile a reachable reality. Additionally, we strive to make sure you’re fully aware of all options available and what costs are involved upfront to ensure there are zero surprise costs later on. More than anything, we want you to feel comfortable with your investment in yourself and your future.